
Writing The Best Possible Conclusion: How To End An Essay

One of the most important questions when it comes to writing is how to end an essay. You should remember that conclusion is the last chance to persuade readers into accepting your point of view. It has an extreme value to the entire essay, and a proper conclusion can make a massive difference in readers’ minds. Below I will show you how to write outstanding conclusions and also reveal which elements you must avoid.

Examples of how to end an essay

There are countless ways to end an essay, but just a few of them are actually accepted by professional writers, and they can assist you in achieving a better response from the readers. The first and the most common way is to use a quotation. Don’t forget that it must be used from your primary or secondary course, and the objective is to link the quote to your objective.

The second way to end an essay is to link the conclusion with a wide picture. For instance, if you are writing about the history of newspapers, you can link it with a modern newspaper. The sole purpose here is to use a conclusion to provide a bigger picture about the essay.

An interesting way to end an essay is to redefine one of your statements. It should be relevant to the content, and it must engage the readers to that level that they will wonder about all the possibilities. It is a rare conclusion, but it should be taken into consideration.

The bottom line here is that conclusion should end content but leave the possibility for a reader to still think about the topic. This explanation is actually known as ‘’ending the content without actually concluding it’’. In other words, a conclusion should be used to complete an essay, but at the same time, it should leave countless possibilities related to the main idea.

Which types of the conclusion should you definitely avoid?

We explained to you the possible examples of conclusion for how to end an essay. Now we will help you by revealing which types of conclusion you should avoid.

The first type that must be avoided is when the writer summarizes the content. It is useful on 10 pages or more essays, but it is a mistake that should be avoided on a short essay.
Do not use in conclusion or similar terms. They are designed to be used for oral purposes. When you write an essay, a reader can literally see the end of the content, so there is no need to add these words. There is no need to add that regardless of the length of an essay, this type of conclusion should be avoided.

Never apologize for your opinion or attitude. Some writers will apologize at the end of an essay because they have changed the idea while writing. If you want to know how to end an essay properly, avoid apologies. They are useless and irrelevant.